2007.07.28. 11:30

A zöld sárkány nyomában

A sárkány

A szobor


A szobrász



They say time can heal anything
Well, time moves like a cold freeze
That doesn’t even sting
I am waiting patiently
For what I’ve sown to rise
I am not afraid to die

Tatakae yuuki o motte

Cool blade of steel in my hand
Sliver of moon burned in the sun
Cool touch of your sumi brush
I am a one woman battalion

Art is life
But life is bleak
How can darkness streak from
My mind into my pen
There’s nothing left to share within

I drive too fast
But exit last
Keep holding on my time worn mask
Don’t want to sleep
Don’t want to weep
Don’t want to fall into the ashes we keep

My eyes are digital mirrors
I see my future in the victims I behead
They play my life in pictures
They know my past and everything I did
Just like a trained tiger I hear their voices calling in my head
I’m not afraid of the fire
I am a soldier risen from the dead

Tatakae ikinasai
Tatakae yuuki o motte

Cool blade of steel in my hand
Sliver of moon burned in the sun
Cool touch of your sumi brush
I am.. I am..
There is no woman or man
There is no pen or sword
Only now


Lisa Furukawa Ray



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